Welcome to the Queensland Mens Masters Hockey website

This site has been designed and implemented to keep all players and associates up to date with what is happening in Queensland Men's Masters Hockey.
It is also been designed to ease some of the paperwork that goes with organising both State and National Championships, so please bookmark this site and be sure to check it regularly to find out the latest.
As usual, there will be regular newsletters sent out via email to past and present members.

While you are here, why not check out the different pages on the site and be sure to check out Ray's updates on the Latest News

Medical Questionnaire and Information
2024 National Championships - Hobart
Medical Questionnaire to support treatments in Hobart
World Cup 2024 35, 40, 65,70,75 and 80
Fri 11 Oct 2024 00:00 — Mon 21 Oct 2024 23:45
Cape Town
World Cup 2024 45,50,55 and 60
Wed 06 Nov 2024 00:00 — Sat 16 Nov 2024 23:45
2025 Hockey Queensland Men’s Masters State Championships 34+, 45+. 55+
Fri 02 May 2025 12:00 — Mon 05 May 2025 15:00
Tweed Hockey Association
Players be prepared for 12 PM games on Friday 2 May 2025 34 - 60s Queensland Teams will be selected a this event
Queensland Men's Masters 2025 Over 60 State Carnival Nominations
Dates to be advised
Queensland State Hockey Centre
The 2025 Over 60 Carnival will be held TBA. Registrations will open on Jan 1 2025 65, 70 and 75 QLD teams only will be selected at this event
Information about Southern Cross International Hockey tours · Read more


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